A leader in the industry of flour production in Albania

“Miell Tirana” s.a is a flour mill specialized in the production of flour for the population. This company is founded in the year 1995 as a result of privatization of “Ex state factory for grain processing”. “Miell Tirana” s.a is a leader in the Albanian market and a good example of thoroughly transformation of an ex state factory who was failed into a company with modern technology and very competitive in a free global market. Right after the foundation of Miell Tirana the president of the company Mr.Roland Hysa and the engineering staff drafted the reconstruction strategy of modernization and long term development of the company in order to be a leader company in the production of quality edible flour.

In the year 2002 a powerful investment took place by installing the machineries of flour production from the swiss giant, BUHLER. Equipped with the best technology in the world for flour production our capacity of flour production is 240 ton/day. This technological line of production realizes a complete cleaning of the wheat from metals, external damaging seeds, impurities and is totally automated and isolated from the impact of outside environment. Our capacity of storage in modern silos is more than 25.000 ton of wheat.

In our central storage of end product we have a capacity of storing about 700 ton of end product. “Miell Tirana” s.a is the most modern factory of flour production as of today in Albania and is present in every city and town of Albania. Today our company produces different varieties of flour from the standard up to the most special ones. “Miell Tirana” s.a works with an extraordinary devotion in order to provide the best quality for all the flours it produces. That is why our moto is “From 1995, guarantee for the health of your family”. You can find our flour in our authorized distributors dhe our distribution points in different cities of Albania. To check these please click on the tab “CENTER OF DISTRIBUTION” in our website. Also you can find our products in every city of our country in different markets and super markets. We believe we are not only producers of all the gamma of flours , standard and specials that are required in the market but overall we focus is to guarantee an extremely high quality of our products as international standards like CE, ISO 22000 and HACCAP requires by always investing in new technologies for production and always training our engineering staff.

Also “Miell Tirana” s.a through its network of exclusive distributors and through its selling points distributed in the whole territory of our country makes possible that every price fluctuation that happens in the international stock markets who impact the selling price to be more flexible in order to make the amortization of the price when the increase of price happens in international stock market and in the same time this network makes it possible that when there is a decrease in price in the international stock market we can reflect this in our sale price as soon as possible. “Miell Tirana” s.a have received the “International Quality Award” from BID (Business International Directory). During last years has worked and it is still working to create some new kind of special flours with whom the company intends to be even more closer to the consumers with more quality and more flavors. Another important activity of “Miell Tirana” s.a is the importing and wholesale trading of grains like wheat, corn etc. We realize the importing of the grains through a multi year collaboration with serious international partners from Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy and Russia.

Our daily capacities

240 ton

Daily production

30000 ton

Storage of grain in silos

3000 ton

Ready product